Alongside the main game, a spinoff title called Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate will be available for 3DS and Vita platforms. Both games will be available on October 25th of this year, and will be developed by WB Games Montreal, rather than series creator Rocksteady. Stay tuned to Gamefocus for more details on the game!
09.04.13 - Warner Bros. Games Montreal arbeitet an Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (PS Vita, 3DS), wie die Game Informer meldet. Das Spiel findet nach den Ereignissen von Arkham Origins (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U) statt.
Es handelt sich um ein 2.5-D Metroid-ähnliches Actionspiel, in dem der Spieler die Levels erforscht. Die Arbeiten übernimmt Armature Studio, das zuvor die Metroid Prime Trilogie entworfen hat. Release: 25.10.13 (USA)
Armature Studio entstand aus diversen ehemaligen Retro Studios-Mitarbeitern.
DIe Armature Studios sind auch tief gefallen: Nach Metroid Prime erstmal gar nichts bis auf einen MGS Port. Der Titel hier könnte was werden, insofern sie von Warner genug Geld und Zeit bekommen.
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate läuft auf Bluepoint Engine
15.04.13 - Das Actionspiel Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (PS Vita, 3DS) läuft auf einer modifizierten Bluepoint Engine. Das bestätigt Entwickler Armature Studio auf Twitter.
Die Engine bildete bereits die Grundlage für Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD (PS3), PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (PS3, PS Vita), uvm. Release: 25.10.13 (USA)
- Countering and combos are present
- 2D action in a 3D world
- Epilogue to Origins
- Press demo has you interacting with Catwoman, racing along rooftops to gain access to Blackgate Prison
- Blackgate prison is the backdrop for the entire game
- This infamous penitentiary serves as a holding place for Gotham City’s vicious, yet sane, criminals
- Blackgate built as one cohesive setting
- Explore the facility as long as your equipment permits it
- Bosses can be battled in any order
- Traditional experience system has been replaced by what gadgets Batman has access to
- Entire prison is designed to progressively open and unlock as the Dark Knight finds himself with more resources and options
- What items and battles you acquire in what order will affect how you engage with enemies in the future, and apparently play into how the story will end
- Similar to how Batman will automatically adjust to enemies located on his peripheral, players are able to navigate a fully 3D world while still operating on a 2D plane
- A tower in the far background will simply be highlighted and prompt players to press the R button
- One click and the Caped Crusader pulls out his grappling hook, zips over, and continues to move to the right towards his destination
- Corners, twists, and turns are likewise easy to manage as the game dynamically shifts camera angles and footing
- Activate Detective Mode with the touch screen
- On the Vita, this is handled by directly pressing on the game’s primary screen, creating an X-ray overlay
- With the 3DS, this action will be split – pressing on the lower screen to reveal secrets above, but mechanically the idea is the same
- 3DS and Vita versions practically identical
- Vita is higher resolution
- 3DS displays more info on the bottom screen
Das sieht schon recht beeindruckend aus. Klar sieht die Vita-Fassung noch besser aus, aber dennoch wirklich ein schicker 3DS-Titel. Mal schaun wie die ersten Bewertungen so ausfallen.
Was hat Nintendo der Industrie getan? Das ist für mich ein absichtliches Zurückhalten von fertiger Software (gefühlt häuft es sich in letzter Zeit). Die ein, zwei Wochen wird man nie im Leben für einen letzten Feinschliff nutzen...
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